Sabado, Agosto 9, 2014

Kankana-ey Artifacts


G- ongs that are played in CAR
A- mong all people living in that place
N- ever forgotten during happy occasions
G- angsa are tuned to different notes
S- ingle hand-held with smooth surface
A- vailable or can be found in any place in                                       CAR


D- ifferent places in CAR
U- nited by their culture
L- eaders are the old folks
I- n serious matters and not jokes


G- rown Kankana-eys
U- nites with the Ibalois
S- trengthens their relationship
I- n having good sportsmanship


T- ribe of Cordilleran people
A- lways strive and accomplish more
P- rotects each family member
I- n every situation we encounter
S- pecified colors for tapis are red, green, white, black and not purple


           A- bundant palays
G- athered in the fields
A- re stored in the agamang for future                                     use
M- any of it are used to reproduce
A- ssuring not to have lack of rice
N- ifty for the tourist’s eyes
G- radually found near the fields and                                      houses

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